Visiting Cixi City for Collabration in Biomedical Engineering
As invited by Cixi government (an economic top 6 county in China), Prof. Zhen Fang visited Cixi city on July 23-26, 2022 for collabration.
On May 24, Prof. Zhen Fang visited his hometown Hushan town (Fig. 1) and met local officials headed by Ms. Weikai Chen (Fig. 2).

Fig1. Prof. Zhen Fang Visited Hushan (Cixi Downtown) 图1.方老师参观浒山镇(慈溪市区)

Fig2. Prof. Zhen Fang Met Officials in Hushan (Cixi Downtown) 图2.方老师会见浒山镇领导
In the evening, he met Mr. Gao Zhou (Vice Mayor), Mr. Zhiyuan Hu (Director of Science and Technology Bureau) and Mr. Ting Luo (Dean of College of Science & Technology Ningbo University) for collabration with local enterprises, institutes and universities.
On July 25, Prof. Zhen Fang accompanied by Mr. Zhiyuan Hu, donated 20 books edited/authored by him in renewable energy and green technologies to the City Museum of Academicians/Fellows (Figs. 3 and 4):
1.P Bartica, F Fantozzi, Q Yang, HP Yang, O Masek, YJ Yan, Zhen Fang, L Rigamonti, (Editors), Sustainable Biomass and Waste Conversion, Elsevier, 2022.
2.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., LJ Xu (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Sustainable Recycling of Organic Solid Waste, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2022.
3.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., LJ Xu (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Pyrolysis, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2020.
4.YT Wang, Zhen Fang (Editors), Catalytic Biomass to Renewable Biofuels and Biomaterials, MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2020.
5.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., XF Tian (Editors), Production of Materials from Sustainable Biomass Resources, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2019.
6.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., H Li (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2017.
7.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., X Qi (Editors), Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2017.
8.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr.(Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Lignin, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2016.
9.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., X Qi (Editors), Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2015.
10.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., X Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Microwave, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2015.
11.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., X Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2015.
12.Zhen Fang, C Xu (Editors), Near-critical and Supercritical Water and Their Applications for Biorefineries, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2014.
13.Zhen Fang, RL Smith, Jr., X Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ionic Liquids, Springer, Heidelberg Berlin, 2014.
14.Zhen Fang (Editor), Liquid, Gaseous and Solid Biofuels – Conversion Techniques, InTech, London, UK, 2013.
15.Zhen Fang (Editor), Biofuels – Economy, Environment and Sustainability, InTech, London, UK, 2013.
16.Zhen Fang (Editor), Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
17.Zhen Fang (Editor), Biodiesel – Feedstocks, Production and Applications, InTech, London, UK, 2013.
18.J. M. Marchetti, Zhen Fang (Editors), Biodiesel: Blends, Properties and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2011.
19.Zhen Fang (Author), Rapid Production of Micro- and Nano-particles Using Supercritical Water, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
20.Zhen Fang (Author), Complete Dissolution and Oxidation of Organic Wastes in Water, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2009.

Fig3. Prof. Zhen Fang Donated His Books to the City Museum of Academicians/Fellows and Left a message. 图3.方老师将他的书捐赠给慈溪市院士风采馆并留言。

Fig4. Prof. Zhen Fang Donated His Books图4.方老师捐赠给慈溪院士风采馆的专著。
He also visited Cixi Institute of Biomedical Engineering accompanied by Mr. Nengfeng Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Cixi Southeast Composite Material Co., Ltd.

Fig5. Invitation Letter from Cixi Government for His Visiting图5.慈溪市科技局邀请函。
7月23日一大早,天空晴朗、万里无云,方老师怀着无比激动和喜悦的心晴踏上了从南京开往余姚北的动车,不到2小时,到达余姚北。37年弹指一挥间,中午12:20 pm 左右,回到阔别多年的故乡浒山。
1.P Bartocci,F Fantozzi,Q Yang,HP Yang,O Masek,YJ Yan,方真,L Rigamonti,(编著),《可持续生物质和废弃物转化》,爱思唯尔出版社,2022
2.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,徐禄江(编著),《可持续再生有机固体废物生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2021
3.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,徐禄江(编著),《热解生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2020
4.王一同,方真 (编著),《催化生物质转化为可再生生物燃料和生物材料》,MDPI(瑞士巴塞尔)出版社,2020
5.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,田霄飞(编著),《可持续生物质资源生产材料》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2019
6.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,李虎(编著),《双功能催化剂生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2017
7.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,漆新华(编著),《可持续资源生产平台化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2017
8.方真,RL Smith,Jr.(编著),《木质素生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2016
9.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,漆新华(编著),《可再生资源生产氢气》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2015
10.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,漆新华(编著),《利用微波生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2015
11.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,漆新华(编著),《利用超声波生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2015
13.方真,RL Smith,Jr.,漆新华(编著),《利用离子液体生产生物燃料和化学品》,柏林•海德堡,斯普林格出版社,2014
18.JM Marchetti,方真(编著),《生物柴油:混合物、性质和应用》,Nova Science Publishers出版社,纽约,2011
20.方真(作者),《水中有机废物的完全溶解和氧化》,德国,萨尔布吕肯,VDM Verlag Dr. Müller出版社,2009.

Fig6. Certificate for the Book Donation Issued by Cixi Government图6.慈溪市科技局图书捐赠证明。

Fig7. Prof. Zhen Fang Visited Cixi Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.图7. 方老师访问中科院慈溪生物医学工程研究所。

Fig8. Prof. Zhen Fang Visited Southeast Composite Material Co., Ltd.图8. 方老师拜访慈溪东南复合材料有限公司。

Fig.9. A 95 year old Lady图9.画家房企遐先生95岁高龄的母亲

It was concluded that with the last few words: tired, tired, tired, hot, hot, hot; 累、累、累,热、热、热。