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Prof. Zhen Fang won “CAS Excellent Supervisor Award”

星期二, 26 9 月, 2017

Based on the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) document Kefa Hanzhi[2017]#428, Prof. Zhen Fang won 2017 “CAS Excellent Supervisor Award“.

At the same time, according to the document Kefa Hanzhi[2017]#427,his PhD student Dr. Fan Zhang won 2017 “CAS  excellent PhD dissertation“, with title “Production of carbon based magnetic catalysts for the green synthesis of biodiesel”.


据中国科学院科发函字〔2017〕 428号,方老师获2017年度中国科学院优秀导师奖。

据科发函字〔2017〕 427号, 方老师指导的博士生张帆,博士论文 《碳基磁性催化剂制备及其催化合成生物柴油绿色工艺研究》获2017“中国科学院优秀博士学位论文”

该论文围绕利用小桐子果壳、种皮和竹粉等热带生物质废弃物替代传统葡萄糖和活性炭为碳质材料,制备出多种可磁场分离的新型碳基磁性固体酸/碱催化剂(ZL 201610754946.6,ZL 201410764721.X);并通过多种表征分析方法详细阐述了反应与合成机理;最后利用自主设计组建的连续流动釜式反应装置(ZL 201620978132.6,ZL 201420785283.0)协同催化剂高效清洁合成生物柴油,以此实现了废弃植物残渣综合利用制备催化剂并用于合成生物柴油及副产物甘油转化的绿色工艺研究。

Springer book “Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources” published

星期一, 21 8 月, 2017

Springer book “Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources” was published

Recently, Springer has published a book entitled “Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources” edited by Profs. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr. and Xinhua Qi, Springer, Hardcover ISBN978-981-10-4171-6, 475 pages, 2017 (

With increasing concerns on environmental pollution and global warming that resulted from traditional fossil resource applications, much progress has been made in the past few years in developing catalytic reaction systems and chemistries for the conversion of various biomass resources into platform chemicals. This text provides state-of-the-art reviews, current research, prospects, and challenges of production of platform chemicals such as C6 sugars, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, furfural, γ-valerolactone, xylitol, 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, levulinic acid, ethanol, and others from sustainable biomass resources with processes that include heterogeneous catalysis, ionic liquid, hydrothermal/solvothermal, electrochemical, and fermentation methods. Reaction mechanism, methods for product separation and purification, and process integration are introduced. The application of these chemicals and their derivatives for synthesizing commodity chemicals via various routes is also covered.

This book contains 14 chapters contributed by leading experts in the field. The text is arranged into five key areas:

Part I: Production of Sugars (Chap. 1)

Part II: Production of Aldehydes (Chaps. 2, 3, and 4)

Part III: Production of Acids (Chaps. 5, 6, 7, and 8)

Part IV: Production of Alcohols (Chaps. 9, 10, 11 and 12)

Part V: Production of Lactones and Amino Acids (Chaps. 13 and 14)

The text should be of interest to students, researchers, academicians, and industrialists who are working in the areas of renewable energy, environmental and chemical sciences, engineering, resource development, biomass processing, sustainability, materials, biofuels, and chemical industries.

This book is the seventh book of the Springer series entitled, “Biofuels and Biorefineries” (Prof. Zhen Fang is serving as Editor-in-Chief), and the fourteenth English book edited/authored by Prof. Zhen Fang since 2009.

Biofuels and Biorefineries:


由方真老师,日本东北大学Richard L. Smith Jr.教授和农业部环境保护科研监测所漆新华教授主编的新书Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources,最近由斯普林格公司出版发行。(精装,475页, ISBN 978-981-10-4171-6, 2017)(。

由于传统化石资源大量应用, 人们对环境污染和全球变暖日益关注。在过去的几年中,利用催化反应系统和化学、生物方法,将各种生物质资源转化为平台化学品方面取得了很大的进展。

本书回顾了, 最新研究、前景和生产平台化学品的挑战。这些平台化学品包括C6糖类、5-羟甲基糠醛、糠醛、伽马-戊内酯、木糖醇、 2,5-呋喃二甲酸、乙酰丙酸、乙醇和其他来自可持续生物质资源合成的化学品。合成的方法和过程, 包括非均相催化、离子液体、水热/溶剂热、电化学和发酵方法等。本书还介绍了反应机理、产物分离、纯化方法和工艺集成。









该书是斯普林格系列丛书“生物燃料和生物炼制- Biofuels and Biorefineries”(方真老师担任该丛书总编辑)出版的第七本专著,也是方真老师自2009年以来,编著出版的第十四部英语专著


方真老师2007年初全职回国后, 自2009以来出版的十五部英文专著:

Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries: Titles

1.Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ionic Liquids, 2013, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi 

2.Near-critical and Supercritical Water and Their Applications for Biorefineries, 2014, edited by Zhen Fang, C Xu

3.Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Microwave2014, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi 

4.Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound, 2014, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi 

5.Production of Hydrogen from Renewable Resources2015, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi 

6.Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Lignin2016, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr. (Among the top 50% most downloaded eBooks in 2016

7.Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources, 2017, edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi 

8.Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts, ISBN978-981-10-5136-4, 2017 edited by Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., H Li


Other books:

9. Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and BiorefineriesSpringer, 2013, edited by Zhen Fang (Among the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in 2013)

10. Rapid Production of Micro- and Nano-particles Using Supercritical WaterSpringer, 2010, authored by Zhen Fang

11. Liquid, Gaseous and Solid Biofuels – Conversion Techniques, InTech – Open Access, 2013, edited by Zhen Fang

12. Biofuels – Economy, Environment and Sustainability, InTech – Open Access, 2013, edited by Zhen Fang

13. Biodiesel – Feedstocks, Production and Applications, InTech – Open Access, 2013, edited by Zhen Fang

14. Biodiesel: Blends, Properties and ApplicationsNew York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011, edited by J. M. Marchetti, Zhen Fang

15. Complete Dissolution and Oxidation of Organic Wastes in WaterVDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2009, authored by Zhen Fang

Prof. Zhen FANG was invited to the editorial board of “The Journal of Supercritical Fluids”

星期五, 18 8 月, 2017

Prof. Zhen FANG was invited to the editorial board of “The Journal of Supercritical Fluids”

Recently, Prof. Zhen FANG joined the editorial board of The Journal of Supercritical Fluids as invited by Editor-in-Chief Prof. Erdogan Kiran, Publishers Dr. Angela Welch and Mr. Ian Salusbury. Initially the appointment will be for a period of 4 years. As an editorial board member, Prof. Fang will help maintain and improve the journal standards by monitoring the editorial policy of the journal in terms of scope and the level and quality of papers published.
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids (Impact factor 2.99, Elsevier, is an international journal devoted to the fundamental and applied aspects of supercritical fluids and processes. Its aim is to provide a focused platform for academic and industrial researchers to report their findings and to have ready access to the advances in this rapidly growing field. Its coverage is multidisciplinary and includes both basic and applied topics.

In addition, Prof. Fang is also serving as:
1.Editor-in-Chief, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries
2.Associate Editor, Biotechnology for Biofuels (IF 5.3)(
Editorial (advisory) board members,
3.Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining -Biofpr (IF 3.69), (
4.Energy, Sustainability and Society-a Springer open journal (
5.Energy and Policy Research (Taylor & Francis)(

方真老师应邀担任《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》编委

最近,  应主编 Erdogan Kiran教授, 出版商Angela Welch博士和 Ian Salusbury先生邀请,方真老师担任《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》【《超临界流体学报》】编委。最初的任命将为期4年。作为编辑委员会成员, 方老师将负责监测刊物的编辑政策,发表论文的范围、水平和质量, 帮助维护和改进期刊标准。《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》 (影响因子 2.99, 化工Q1区, ,是爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER)主办的国际期刊, 专门涉及超临界流体和过程的基本原理和应用。其目的是为学术和工业界研究人员提供一个重点的平台, 报告他们的研究结果, 并准备好进入这一迅速发展的领域的进展。它的覆盖面是多学科的并且包括基础的和应用的专题。

此外, 方老师还担任其他国际著名学术期刊(四大巨头:Springer,ELSEVIER, WILEY和Taylor&Francis Group)出版社所属的丛书和期刊的总编辑和编委:
1.总编辑, 斯普林格系列丛书-生物燃料和生物炼制 Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefinerie(
2.副主编,生物燃料技术 Biotechnology for Biofuels (影响因子: 5.2)(, Springer)
3.顾问编委, 生物燃料, 生物制品和生物炼制 Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining -Biofpr (影响因子: 3.69)(, Wiley)
4.顾问编委, 能源、可持续性与社会-斯普林格开放期刊, Energy, Sustainability and Society, a Springer open Journal (
5.编委, 能源和政策研究 (泰勒和弗朗西斯) Energy and Policy Research (, Taylor & Francis)

Hydrophobic Pd nanocatalysts for one-pot and high-yield production of liquid furanic biofuels at low temperatures

星期日, 6 8 月, 2017

Hydrophobic Pd nanocatalysts for one-pot and high-yield production of liquid furanic biofuels at low temperatures

Efficient production of furanic/aromatic hydrocarbons (>95% yields) from biomass derivatives is achieved via a single-step process under mild conditions (25-130 ºC) by using readily available polymethylhydrosiloxane as liquid H-donor over hydrophonic Pd nanoparticles on MOFs.【以聚甲基氢硅氧烷为氢源,在低温条件下 (25-130 ºC),利用疏水纳米钯Pd催化糖类(羰基和羟基化物),一锅高效(> 95% 产量)合成呋喃液体燃料】

 Recently, Dr. Hu Li supervised by Prof. Zhen FANG has developed a single-step catalytic process for direct conversion of various saccharides to produce furanic biofuels such as 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran with high yields (> 95%) at 110-130 ºC. The negatively charged hydride (H-) of readily available polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS) acting as green H-donor over hydrophobic Pd nanoparticles did not obstruct upstream reactions (e.g., hydrolysis, isomerization and dehydration) for the in situ formation of furanic aldehydes/alcohols from sugars, and could selectively facilitate the subsequent hydrodeoxygenation of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups other than the furanic ring in one pot, as clarified by deuterium-labeling study. Importantly, the unreduced Pd(II) catalysts also exhibited comparable performance in the selective hydrodeoxygenation reaction. Moreover, the catalytic strategy was extended to various carboxides for quantitative production of corresponding furanic/aromatic hydrocarbons at room temperature that were more pronounced than previously reported results, and the optimal Pd/MIL-53(Al) coated with polydimethylsiloxane (Pd/MIL-53(Al)-P) was highly stable with little deactivation and Pd leaching for at least five consecutive cycles.
Related results were published:
1.H Li, W Zhao, Zhen Fang*, Hydrophobic Pd Nanocatalysts for One-Pot and High-Yield Production of Liquid Furanic Biofuels at Low Temperatures, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 215, 18–27 (2017).
2.H Li, W Zhao, A Riisager, S Saravanamurugan*, Z Wang, Zhen Fang*, S Yang*, Pd-catalyzed in-situ domino process for mild and quantitative production of 2,5-dimethylfuran directly from carbohydrates,  Green Chemistry, 19, 2101–2106 (2017).

最近,国际学术期刊Applied Catalysis B: Environmental(影响因子9.4,第一署名单位为南京农业大学,第一作者为博士后李虎,通讯作者为方真教授)及Green Chemistry 【影响因子9.2,第一作者为李虎博士,通讯作者为杨松教授(贵州大学),Saravanamurugan博士(印度)和方真教授】,发表了生物燃料最新研究成果。
该研究团队开发了一个单步催化过程, 以聚甲基氢硅氧烷polymethylhydrosiloxane (PMHS)为氢源,在低温条件下 (25-130 ºC),利用疏水纳米钯(Pd)催化糖类(羰基和羟基化物),单步高效(> 95% 产量)合成呋喃液体燃料。
他们发现PMHS(带负电荷的高分子氢化物),作为绿色氢源,以纳米钯为催化剂,在原位加氢糖类合成呋喃醛/醇时,不会阻碍其上游的反应 (例如, 水解, 异构化和脱水)。通过同位素氘标记研究证明,该反应系统可以一锅法,有选择地促进羰基和羟基化物的加氢脱氧。更重要的是, 未还原的Pd(II)纳米催化剂在选择性加氢脱氧反应中也表现出相当的性能。此外, 当该催化反应系统扩展到利用各种羰基化物时, 可在室温下,定量生产相应的呋喃/芳烃。用聚二甲基硅氧烷涂层的疏水Pd催化剂具有极高的稳定性, 且在至少连续五个周期中几乎没有失活和Pd浸出。

1.H Li, W Zhao, Zhen Fang*, Hydrophobic Pd Nanocatalysts for One-Pot and High-Yield Production of Liquid Furanic Biofuels at Low Temperatures, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 215, 18–27 (2017).
2.H Li, W Zhao, A Riisager, S Saravanamurugan*, Z Wang, Zhen Fang*, S Yang*, Pd-catalyzed in-situ domino process for mild and quantitative production of 2,5-dimethylfuran directly from carbohydrates,  Green Chemistry, 19, 2101–2106 (2017).

Biodiesel production from high acid value oils with a highly active and stable bifunctional magnetic acid

星期日, 9 7 月, 2017

Biodiesel production from high acid value oils with a highly active and stable bifunctional magnetic acid

Carbonaceous bifunctional magnetic solid acid catalyst with high acid content was synthesized by four-step method. It efficiently catalyzed the esterification of oleic acid, transesterification of soybean oil and pretreatment of Jatropha oil with easy separation for 10 cycles. (双功能磁性固体酸催化剂通过四步法合成和活化,用于酯化油酸,转酯化豆油和预处理小桐子油制备生物柴油,只需简单的磁性分离步骤可循环使用10次)。

Recently, Miss Yi-Tong Wang (PhD student from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences) supervised by Prof. Zhen FANG has synthesized carbonaceous bifunctional magnetic solid acid catalyst with both Brønsted and Lewis sites to efficiently catalyze the esterification of oleic acid with 97% biodiesel yield, transesterification of mixed soybean oil with high acid value (AV) with 95% biodiesel yield and pretreat Jatropha oil with AV reduced from 17.2 to 0.7 mg KOH/g. Biodiesel yield > 90% at 90 oC for 4 h reaction time was obtained for ten cycles by easy magnetic separation which showed potential practical applications in the field of green production of biodiesel.
The results were published:
YT Wang, Zhen Fang*, XX Yang, Biodiesel Production from High Acid Value Oils with a Highly Active and Stable Bifunctional Magnetic Acid, Applied Energy, 204, 702–714(2017).




为了降低生物柴油制备工艺的能耗,通过四步法合成一种同时具有路易斯酸位点和布朗斯特酸位点的磁性固体酸。合成的磁性固体酸具有优秀的催化能力,可以酯化油酸获得97%生物柴油产率,转酯化高酸值的豆油获得95%生物柴油产率,预处理酸值为17.2 mg KOH/g的小桐子原油使其酸值降为0.7 mg KOH/g。合成的双功能磁性固体酸拥有较好的稳定性,通过简单的磁性分离可以循环使用10次,展示了出色的商业化应用前景。

结果发表在Applied energy: Yi-Tong Wang, Zhen Fang*, Xing-Xia Yang, Biodiesel Production from High Acid Value Oils with a Highly Active and Stable Bifunctional Magnetic Acid, Applied Energy, 204, 702–714(2017).