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Catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol with Hf-phenylphosphonate nanohybrids

星期二, 15 5 月, 2018

Efficient catalytic transfer hydrogenation of biomass-based furfural to furfuryl alcohol with recycable Hf-phenylphosphonate nanohybrids

Recently, Dr. Hu Li supervised by Profs. Zhen FANG and RL Smith has synthesized an acid-base bifunctional nanohybrid phenylphosphonic acid (PhP) – hafnium (1:1.5) through assembly of PhP with HfCl4 for catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural (FUR) to furfuryl alcohol (FFA) using 2-propanol as both reaction solvent and hydrogen donor source. An FFA yield of 97.6% with formation rate of 9760 μmol g-1 h-1 at 99.2% FUR conversion was obtained with the reaction system at 120 °C for 2 h reaction time. Activation energy (Ea) was estimated to be 60.8 kJ/mol with respect to FUR concentration, which is comparable with or even lower than Ea values attained over metal catalysts. The pronounced catalytic activity of PhP-Hf (1:1.5) is attributed to its moderate acidity and relatively strong basicity. The PhP-Hf (1:1.5) catalyst was demonstrated to maintain its activity for five consecutive reuse cycles.

Related results were published:
H Li, Y Li, Zhen Fang*, RL Smith Jr., Efficient Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Biomass-Based Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol with Recycable Hf-Phenylphosphonate Nanohybrids, Catalysis Today,,  2018.

Mesoporous PhP-Hf(1:1.5) nanohybrid material bearing acidic and basic sites promotes catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol with 97.6% yields with 2-propanol as solvent and hydrogen donor source at 120 °C in 2 h reaction time.【介孔PhP-Hf(苯磷酸-铪)纳米MOF(金属有机框架材料)复合物同时具有酸性和碱性位点,促进了糠醛加氢催化转化为糠醇,120℃反应两小时,使用异丙醇作为反应溶剂和氢供体时,糠醇产率为97.6%。】


李虎博士在国际学术期刊Catalysis Today发表学术论文


最近,国际学术期刊Catalysis Today(影响因子4.7, Q1,第一署名单位为南京农业大学,第一作者为博士后李虎,通讯作者为方真教授),发表了生物燃料最新研究成果。

该研究团队通过组装苯磷酸(PhP)和四氯化铪而制成一种酸碱双官能团纳米杂化苯磷酸MOF(金属有机框架)催化剂,使用异丙醇作为反应溶剂和氢供体,用于加氢催化糠醛(FUR)转化为糠醇(FFA)。在120℃反应2小时的条件下,FUR的转化率为99.2%,FFA产率为97.6%,生成速率为9760μmol/gh。FUR转化的活化能(Ea)估计为60.8KJ/mol,与金属催化剂相比,其具有可与之媲美甚至更低的活化能。PhP-Hf(1:1.5; 苯磷酸-铪纳米MOF)显著的催化活性得益于其温和的酸性和相对强的碱性。PhP-Hf(1:1.5)催化剂可连续重复使用5次。

H Li, Y Li, Zhen Fang*, RL Smith Jr., Efficient Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation of Biomass-Based Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol with Recycable Hf-Phenylphosphonate Nanohybrids, Catalysis Today,,  2018.

Three Springer Books in Biofuels Were Highly-downloaded

星期一, 23 4 月, 2018

These 3 books below are highly downloaded (以下3本由方老师等编著的专著为Springer高下载图书):

1.Zhen Fang*, R. L. Smith, Jr., X. Qi (Editors), Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, hardcover, 14 Chapters, ISBN 978-981-10-4171-6, 500 pages, 2017. (Among the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in 2017; 7k chapter downloads, Feb. 2018).

2.Zhen Fang*, R. L. Smith, Jr.(Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals from Lignin, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, hardcover, ISBN 978-981-10-1964-7, 2016. (Among the top 50% most downloaded eBooks in 2016; 12k chapter downloads, Feb. 2018).

3.Zhen Fang (Editor), Pretreatment Techniques for Biofuels and Biorefineries, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg,  ISBN 978-3-642-32734-6, hardcover, 476 pages, 2013. (Among the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in 2013; 36k chapter downloads, Feb. 2018).

Prof. Zhen Fang Won “2018 Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in Energy by Elsevier

星期日, 18 3 月, 2018

Prof. Zhen Fang Won “2018 Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in Energy by Elsevier, He also won the award in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 [China ranks the first in total citation and citation of the influential research papers (Top10%) in engineering, 2013-2015].


Cellulase immobilized on mesoporous biochar synthesized by ionothermal carbonization of cellulose

星期五, 16 3 月, 2018

Cellulase immobilized on mesoporous biochar synthesized by ionothermal carbonization of cellulose

Recently, Mr. Chang-hui Zhu (a PhD student from Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences) supervised by Prof. Zhen FANG synthesized biochar via ionothermal carbonization and pyrolysis, and it was subsequent used to adsorb free cellulase physically for enzymatic hydrolysis.

In order to recover free cellulase, a mesoporous biochar was synthesized from cellulose by ionic thermal and pyrolysis methods for the adsorption of free cellulase. Kinetics analysis showed that the affinity of the immobilized cellulase to carboxymethyl cellulose was better than that of free cellulase. The immobilized cellulase at different pH and temperatures was more stable than those of free cellulase. It was used to hydrolyze pretreated cellulose with [Bmim]Cl with total reducing sugar yield of 99.9%. The immobilized cellulase activity can still retain 74.8% after 5 cycles. Lastly, the immobilized cellulase can improve sugar production from the pretreated corncob for potential practical applications.

Results were published in Cellulose: Chang-hui Zhu, Zhen Fang*, Tong-chao Su, and Qi-ying Liu, Cellulase Immobilized on Mesoporous Biochar Synthesized by Ionthermal Carbonization of Cellulose, Cellulose,  25(4), 2473-2485 (2018).

Mesoporous biochar was synthesized by ionothermal carbonization, and pyrolysis for the immobilization of cellulase to hydrolyze ionic liquid pretreated cellulose and corncob. During pretreated cellulose hydrolysis, total reducing sugar yield of 92.2 % was achieved with 74.8% enzyme activity remained after 5 cycles.(通过离子热和热解方法合成了介孔生物炭,该生物炭用于固定纤维素酶,固定化纤维素酶用于水解离子液体预处理的纤维素以及玉米芯。其中在预处理纤维素水解,总还原糖产率可达92.2%,固定化酶循环使用5次后,活性仍保留74.8%)。

为了回收游离纤维素酶,通过离子热和热解两步法由纤维素合成一种介孔生物炭以用于吸附游离纤维素酶。动力学分析表明,固定化纤维素酶对羧甲基纤维素的亲和力优于游离纤维素酶。 不同pH和温度下的固定化纤维素酶比游离纤维素酶更稳定。该固定化酶具有较好的催化预处理纤维素水解的能力,总还原糖产率可达92.2%,固定化酶循环使用5次后,活性仍保留74.8%。最后,该固定化酶结合离子液体预处理技术,对水解生物质纤维素表现出一定的应用前景。
结果发表在Cellulose: Chang-hui Zhu, Zhen Fang*, Tong-chao Su, and Qi-ying Liu, Cellulase Immobilized on Mesoporous Biochar Synthesized by Ionthermal Carbonization of Cellulose, Cellulose 25(4), 2473-2485 (2018).

Prof. Zhen FANG appointed as Associate Editor of “the Journal of Supercritical Fluids”

星期六, 10 2 月, 2018

Prof. Zhen FANG becomes an Associate Editor for “the Journal of Supercritical Fluids”

Informed by Dr. Angela Welch, Senior Publisher (Chemical & Biomedical Engineering journals), ELSEVIER, Prof. Zhen Fang was appointed as an Associate Editor for peer-reviewed scientific journal, the Journal of Supercritical Fluids (IF 3.1), after the role of being an Editorial Board Member of it for a few months (07/2017-02/2018).

As an Associate Editor, Prof. Fang would work closely with the regional editor to help cover submissions from Asia and will be to coordinate the peer-review process and submit a recommended decision. He will also handle the assigned papers in the areas of biofuels and supercritical water.

He is also serving as  Editor-in-Chief of Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries,  Associate Editor of Biotechnol Biofuels (IF 5.5),as well as editorial (advisory) board members of Biofuel Bioprod Bior (Willey), Energy Sustain Soc (Springer), and Energy Policy Res (Taylor & Francis).

方真老师担任《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》【《超临界流体学报》】副主编

最近, 方真老师应爱思唯尔出版商Angela Welch博士邀请,担任《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》【《超临界流体学报》】副主编(Associate Editor)。最初的任命将为期2年。作为副主编, 方老师将协助地区主编,处理亚洲地区的稿件。同时,他还将处理生物燃料和超临界水领域的论文。《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》 (影响因子 3.1, 化工Q1区, ,是爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER)主办的国际期刊, 专门涉及超临界流体和过程的基本原理和应用。其目的是为学术和工业界研究人员提供一个重点的平台, 报告他们的研究结果, 并准备好进入这一迅速发展的领域的进展。它的覆盖面是多学科的并且包括基础的和应用的专题。