慈溪中学演讲Lecture in Cixi middle school

Lecture in Cixi middle school

In the afternoon of April 25th, Professor Zhen Fang (Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering) from Nanjing Agricultural University visited our school.

Professor Zhen Fang visited the campus and school history exhibition room, learned about the basic situation of Cixi Middle School, and discussed educational achievements and the concept of talent cultivation together.

Professor Fang gave a science popularization lecture on “Biomass and Biorefinery” in the staircase classroom on the second floor, introducing bioenergy technology and majors from the perspectives of biomass resources, sugar conversion into high value-added products, and biodiesel.

After lecture, students enthusiastically asked questions, and Professor Fang patiently and professionally answered them one by one. He encouraged the students to demonstrate the vitality and proactive spirit of young people in the new era. This is not only for answering questions about professional knowledge, but also a great encouragement and motivation for their curiosity and professional interest. Professor Fang also expressed the hope that students can maintain diligence and progress, and work together to promote the progress and development of science and technology in China.

院士进校园 丨 加拿大工程院院士方真教授莅临我校讲学

慈溪中学 2023-04-29 07:43 Posted on 浙江





方真:加拿大工程院院士,Springer系列丛书《生物燃料和生物炼制》总编辑,曾获中国农业大学工学学士、硕士、博士(导师:曾德超院士)、加拿大麦吉尔大学工学博士学位(导师:JA Kozinski院士)、欧共体居里夫人博士后。在西班牙、日本和加拿大工作12后,2007年初全职回国,先后在中科院(百人计划学者)和南京农大工作。他是“快速水解”技术的发明者, 国际著名刊物Biotechnol Biofuels和J Supercrit Fluid副主编/编委。他连续9年进入“中国高被引学者”榜单。获2012云南省政府彩云奖、2017中国科学院优秀导师奖、2020 Springer “中国新发展奖” 、2021贵州自然科学一等奖和2022中国侨界贡献奖。他在能源和农业工程刊物发表论文172篇,获31项中国和5项美国发明专利,出版英文专著21部(章节下载量达44万次)。



1.院士回母校 | 慈溪中学82届杰出校友、中国工程院院士陈建峰赠书活动和报告会在慈溪中学隆重举行


3.院士进校园 | 中国工程院院士、温州医科大学校长李校堃莅临我校讲学

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