
9 3 月, 2012

丰富的生物质资源是将来燃料和化学品持续供应的有前景的选择。在许多可能的生物基化学品中,5-羟甲基糠醛(5-HMF)是精细化工、医药及呋喃高分子材料的有价值的中间底物,可以通过Dials-Alder、烷基化、酰基化、加氢、酯化、卤化、聚合、氧化等一系列化学反应制备多种具有高附加值的衍生物,如PET 的塑料、柴油燃料或其他化工衍生产品,被称之为该领域“沉睡的巨人”。 (更多…)

Conversion of fructose and glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with lignin-derived carbonaceous catalyst

9 3 月, 2012

Renewable biomass is an ideal alternative for fossil resources to supply sustainable raw material for the production of biofuels and chemicals. 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) is one of the top building-block chemicals from biomass according to the “Top Value Added Chemicals” proposed by the U.S. Department of Energy.It can be produced from hexoses, inulin, wood and other lignocellulosic biomass with catalysts. 5-HMF can be further converted into biochemicals and biofuels, such as PET plastics, 2,5-dimethylfuran and other liquid alkanes that can be used as transportation fuel. (更多…)

Jatropha biodiesel industry in China

29 2 月, 2012

  Jatropha curcas L. is chosen as an ideal biodiesel crop in China because its seed kernel has high oil content (43–61%) and it does not compete with food. Its oil is non-edible, and the trees can resist drought and grow on barren and marginal lands without using arable land. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of Chinese acedemy of Sciences (CAS) as a national institute has a long histroy in study and commercialization of Jatropha industry, and made great progress in Jatropha plantation, breeding and crude oil processing. Two new high-seed/oil yield varieties (Jatropha nigroviensrugosus CY Yang; Jatropha curcas cv. multiflorm CY Yang) were bred. Novel green processes to produce biodiese, such as a two-step method using ultrasonic radiation, one-step process using ionic liquids and nanocatalysts, were also developed. (更多…)


9 2 月, 2012

2012年1月30日-2月3日,加拿大第98届制浆和造纸学会 (PAPTAC)年会 (Paperweek 2012 Canada) 暨第二届国际生物冶炼研讨会(the 2nd International Forest Biorefinery Symposium) 在蒙特利尔市举行。来自加拿大、法国、美国、瑞典、芬兰等国制浆和生物质冶炼领域的企业主、管理与经营决策经理、学界科研人员、工程师和政府官员共计近500人齐聚蒙城,共同探讨当前国际经济形势下传统产业面临的挑战和发展森林生物质冶炼产业的机遇。 (更多…)


26 12 月, 2011

 面对环境恶化和能源短缺的潜在危机,以生物质资源为替代原料,生产能源和化学品的生物冶炼技术受到广泛地关注。其中,利用小桐子生产生物柴油是研究热点之一。随着小桐子产业的发展,大量废弃小桐子壳也随之产生。这些果皮通常被直接烧掉或掩埋,造成了资源的极大浪费。小桐子壳的主要成分是木质纤维素,其中纤维素和半纤维素含量分别达果皮重量的43%和15%。如果加以利用转化成高附加值的精细化学品,不仅变废为宝,创造出较高的经济效益,还可以拓展小桐子生物柴油生产工艺的产品品种,提升该工艺的市场竞争力。由纤维素、半纤维素水解生成的可发酵糖通过微生物发酵可以获得很多高价值产品,比如甲酸、乙酸,乳酸,甲醇、乙醇以及2,3-丁二醇等。其中,2,3-丁二醇是一种非常重要的化工原料,不仅可以用于液体燃料,还可应用于染料、炸药、香水、药物载体、树脂、塑料、有机溶剂、食品添加剂、抗冻剂等行业。 (更多…)