1. Biomass and Bioenergy (AGEN1606-01,U3-4): 3 parts (i) Chemical, (ii) biological and (iii)thermal conversions (bilingual, 32 class hours, 2 credits).
“Hydrothermal Conversion of Renewable Resources and Wastes to Fuels”
2. Modern Bioenvironmental and Energy Technology (AGEN6202,master and PhD students) (bilingual, 32 class hours, 2 credits, with Prof. Wang XC).
3. Literature Retrieval and Scientific Paper Writing (AGEN7101,master and PhD students) (bilingual, 32 class hours, 2 credits).
4. Advanced Research in Agricultural Engineering (AGEN6102,master and PhD students) (English, 32 class hours, 2 credits, with 6 Professors).