科技厅贺电 Congratulations from Yunnan Government
星期五, 6 8 月, 2021科技厅贺电 Congratulations from Yunnan Government
Dear Prof. Zhen Fang:
I was pleased to learn that you have been elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).
As Director of Science and Technology Department of Yunnan Province, I want to offer my heartiest congratulations.
Xueqin Wang
加拿大工程院成立于 1987 年,是加拿大国家级工程院,是国际工程技术科学院理事会(世界各国国家级工程院的联合组织CAETS: International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences)的成员。加拿大工程院院士是加拿大联邦政府授予在工程领域代表加拿大国家水平专家、教授的荣誉称号,并作为国家智囊团为国家层面课题立项、评审和研究提供权威意见。新增院士由院士提名和选举产生。