Application of ultrasonic energy in biofuels

The conversion of green, cheap and renewable biomass materials into biofuels through thermochemical and biochemical methods is one of the key route to provide sustainable energy in future. The introduction of ultrasonic energy in biomass conversion could destroy the recalcitrance structure of lignocellulosic biomass at room temperature, facilitate the separation of complicated composition in raw materials, turn heterogeneous reactions into homogeneous or at least quasi- homogeneous reactions, and therefore essentially remove barriers that limited the efficiency and selectivity in biomass conversion.  Ultrasonic wave has some special physical properties. It can accumulate energy by acoustic cavitation, and then release them instantaneously by the collapse of cavitational bubbles within several microseconds. The intensity of released energy can be enough to break down any chemical linkage, destroy the limit in multiphase interface and enhance the mass transfer and heat transfer during the reactions. Therefore, sonochemical treatment could efficiently destroy biomass structure, improve the mixing and reactions of biomass materials, however, the selectivity of biomass reactions is not remarkably altered.

Although sonication had been used in many research fields related to biofuels, such as the pretreatment, saccharification, and fermentation of lignocellulose, biodiesel synthesis, pretreatment and chemical reactions of microalgae, but actually, not all processes using ultrasonic energy was economic or with high efficiency. The proper coupling of the energy from ultrasonic activation and that from biomass reactions, which could results in positive or even better benefit in energy output and process economics, is still the critical problem for the application of sonication in biofuel technologies.

Dr. Jia Luo and Professor Zhen Fang, from Research Group of Biomass Energy in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, reviewed the progresses on the application of ultrasound in biofuels, with the main attentions on the progresses and trends in the fractionation and conversion of lignocellulose, biodiesel synthesis, as well as pretreatment and chemical reactions of microalgae, with low-frequency ultrasound at 20-50 kHz. It demonstrated that ultrasonic auxiliary did not substantially change the mechanism of chemical reactions, but could remarkably accelerate reactions, save reaction time, and even improve the efficiency and selectivity in biomass conversion by inhibiting secondary reactions. It was necessary to determine the way and the degree of incorporating sonication, change the design of novel sonochemical reactors, optimize the ultrasonic processing parameters, according to the energy demand for certain chemical processing. Sonication technology was also suggested to be combined with other methods such as solvents, catalysts and microwave to lessen the energy cost of using sonication, and achieve a greater benefit in energy output and process economics. At the last of the paper, the authors discussed the combination of sonication with solid catalysts and enzymes, discussed the problems related to the process economics in different biomass processing and reactions, and gave some constructive suggestions. The authors also gave some descriptions on the progresses on ultrasound-assisted emulsification of raw bio-oil and real time monitoring of biomass reactions with high-frequency ultrasound technologies.

The review paper (Jia Luo, Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr. Ultrasound-enhanced conversion of biomass to biofuels.) was accepted and already published on line.




Mechanistic effects of ultrasonic energy in lignocellulose pretreatment and conversion





版纳植物园生物能源组罗嘉博士和方真研究员,综述了超声在生物燃料领域的研究进展,重点介绍了20-50 kHz低频率超声在木质纤维素分级转化、生物柴油合成和微藻处理转化过程中的研究现状和趋势。综述表明,超声辅助强化并不能从实质上改变化学反应机理,但是可以显著地加快反应的进程,节约反应的时间,通过制约二次反应的发生来改善生物质转化反应的效率和选择性。需要针对特定化学反应的能量要求,设计超声辅助的方式和程度,改变超声反应器设计,优选超声处理参数。需要通过超声技术与溶剂、催化剂、微波等其它辅助技术的耦合来降低超声处理的能量成本,获取更大的能量和经济收益。作者在文末重点讨论了超声强化技术与固体催化剂、酶催化剂的结合问题,探讨了超声应用于不同生物质转化反应的经济性问题,并给出了合理的建议。作者还介绍了超声在生物燃油乳化、高频超声实时监控生物质转化过程等领域的研究进展。

该综述文章(Jia Luo, Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr. Ultrasound-enhanced conversion of biomass to biofuels.)已经被接收,并在线发表。






Progress in Energy and Combustion Science简介

Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (PECS)是能源与机械领域影响力最高的期刊(2013年IF为15.089),主要接受相关领域的综述类文章。PECS仅邀请和发表在国际上获得公认的作者(Internationally recognized authors)的文章,分为四个专题:Energy & Fuels; Engineering, Chemical; Engineering, Mechanical; Thermodynamics,各个专题分类在相关领域中排名第一。PECS 在2013年全年共有6期,发表文章20篇,中国大陆研究人员在PECS发表论文2篇。生物能源组郭峰博士和方真研究员曾于2012年在该期刊上发表论文1篇。



我园生物能源组(与Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia联合培养的博士生范雪彬在导师谢振华副教授和方真研究员的指导下,应用响应面法和岭脊分析方法,利用去除蛋白质的棕榈果实残渣为原料,经微波辅助稀硫酸水解生产单糖,优化的产率达77.11%。在最优条件下:反应温度(148 oC), 硫酸浓度 (0.75 N),基质溶剂比(1:49.69),反应时间( 10 min 31 s),甘露糖产率可达 92.11%。

近日,文章“High Yield Production of Sugars from Deproteinated Palm Kernel Cake under Microwave Radiation via Dilute Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis, 153: 69-78”在国际期刊《Bioresource Technology》发表:


High Yield Production of Sugars from Deproteinated Palm Kernel Cake under Microwave Radiation via Dilute Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis

Climate change together with the increased concern for the energy security has imparted a trend shifting on the use of fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. Worldwide attention has been focused on the transforming of agricultural waste into high value-added products. Malaysia, one of the global leading palm oil producers, seeking a next catalyst for sustaining economic growth since the palm oil production has reached a mature stage. Palm kernel cake (PKC), one of the main by-products from palm oil industry, is rich in protein (14.5 – 19.6%) and mannan (35.2%). It should be put under the spotlight and revolutionize into a source of revenue for oil palm industry. PKC composes of high carbohydrate contents, mainly hexoses such as mannose, glucose and galactose, which are the promising candidates for the production of bioethanol through fermentation by microorganism.

In Malaysia, approximately 2.39 million tons of palm kernel cake (PKC) was produced from palm oil mill annually. It consists of high carbohydrate contents, especially mannan (~35%). But, it was an under-utilized co-product of palm oil milling industry. Therefore, it is beneficial to amplify the potential applications for this biomass.

Miss Suet-Pin Fan, a PhD student, co-supervised by Dr. Chin-hua CHIA (National University of Malaysia) and Prof. Zhen FANG (Biomass Group, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS) successfully used deproteined palm kernel cake as raw material for the production of monosaccharide under microwave radiation via dilute sulphuric acid hydrolysis.

In this work, it is the first time to systematically study the production of monosaccharides from deproteinated PKC (DPKC) via dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis in a well-controlled microwave by response surface approach. DPKC under optimal operating conditions [170 °C, 0.181 N H2SO4 and substrate to solvent ratio (SS ratio), 1:40] offered a striking conversion with maximum yield of 77.11% of total monosaccharide in a reaction time period as short as 6 min 6 s and maximum mannose yield 92.11% obtained at 148 °C, 0.75 N H2SO4, 10 min 31 s and SS ratio of 1:49.69. From the results achieved in this study, it can be conclude that microwave-assisted hydrolysis is an efficient method in transforming the DPKC, an economically and environmentally benign source of fermentable carbohydrate into biofuels such as, 2,3-butanediol and hydrogen.


The study entitled “High Yield Production of Sugars from Deproteinated Palm Kernel Cake under Microwave Radiation via Dilute Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis” has been published in Bioresource Technology, 2014, 153: 69-78,